
Apenas queda 1 mes y medio para la inauguración de FIMMA/MADERALIA del 10 al 13/03/2020.
Estamos trabajando en la construcción de las máquinas que vamos a exponer, nuestra gama es muy extensa y es imposible poder tener todas las maquinas en un Stand, pero vamos a tener una muestra significativa de los últimos desarrollos.

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Four years ago OK CARPINTERIA acquired a little vertical machining center. It soon proved insufficient, but it made clear the way forward in a modern carpentry. With RIERGE they achieved a higher precision, more capacity and speed of manufacturing, as well as flexibility and finiching quality. But above all, a new way of working, whose base is in computer science, began for OK CARPINTERIA. And today there’s no going back.

Articulo en Madera Sostenible





A carpentry and cabinetmaker specialists in interior design.

ELS NOIS is a cooperative society, a rare figure in the carpentry sector, but in this company case it is working splendidly, with a very high level of implication of their six employee’s who took over the company when its owner, Pere Font, decided to retire. There are six other assemblers and installers who work externally.

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65ème anniversaire


Le 19 octobre nous avons célébré la fête de commémoration du 65e anniversaire de la fondation de la Société. C’est vraiment le 14 octobre 1954, que trois amis décident d’empreindre une activité industrielle ; c’étaient Santiago Riera, Adreu Erra et Genís, d’où le nom de RI ER GE. M. Genis ait bientôt quitté l’aventure, Riera & Erra ont continué, et c’est ainsi qu’ils étaient connus au début, mais ils ont continué avec la désignation RIERGE pour l’avenir.


Agrandissement de nos installations.


Ce mois-ci, nous avons achevé le transfert des sections de repassage et de chaudière de nos installations de Mollet vers notre usine II.

À la fin de l’année 2018, nous avons acquis de nouveaux locaux industriels à côté de ceux que nous avions déjà dans la zone industrielle de Martorelles une fois les locaux conditionnés. Nous avons déplacé les différentes machines et équipements de soudage de manière à minimiser la capacité de production, en tirant parti Certains jours de vacances, nous avons terminé le transfert et ajouté deux nouvelles machines qui nous aideront à améliorer notre productivité.



A new model has been incorporated to our extense range of CNC machining centers. It’s about a new version of Megadoor, a center specifically designed for door machining; this new version incorporates two drilling and placing groups for anuba bolts, and 4 automatical chargers with a capacity of more than 100 units, this system admits two different diameters bolts, 13 and 16mm. The spindles are independent, so that one of them makes the drilling and the other places the anuba, but the fact of being identical, they can toggle their functions or they can have the tools ready for each anuba measures.

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EBANISTERIA CORCOBADO bets for the model Evolution


The brothers Luis and Antonio Corcobado are continuating their father Luis bussiness, created in 1980. Since twelve years ago, the EBANISTERIA CORCOBADO, S.L. workshop is placed in the industrial park La Poveda, in Arganda del Rey (Madrid).

The choosen machine is a CNC machining center RIERGE, model “Easynest 3021 Evolution” with a 3 meter long and 2,1 meter width table, and a working heightof 200 milimeters. A machine like those that RIERGE is been manufacturing since ever: with a steel base; solid and robust and all its welded elements stabilized, and it incorporates Gantry system.

« Soon we will add the consoles and we’ll enjoy of the entire model EVOLUTION, with both pieces’ subjection systems -announces Luis Corcobado-. That will give us a great agility at work. We don’t have so much space and this innovation is a formidable advantatge for the carpinter; an easy and fast change from table to holder-clamps, with no need to make any stop in the working continuous process. It is actually a machine for life ».

Javier Hornillos, commercial responsable in the Delegation of RIERGE in the center zone in Spain, wants their client « to be happy with their machine » and help them during the acclimatization fase to the software. « As manufacturers, we’ve listened to our client about what they wish to do now and in the future -concludes Javier Hornillos-. The machine is ready to produce, but it is also ready to admit, when client considers it appropiate, new accessories and programs to make it even more capable and flexible« .

Madera Sostenible’s article.

RIERGE Center Delegation


The well done job of our delegate in zone centre, Mr. Javier Hornillos, is starting to bear fruit. Rierge sold a lot of machines at the zone in 90’s, but during the last years we haven’t been comercially present in the zone, fact that caused us to lose an important market share.

A new stage starts for Rierge in the zone with a person dedicated exclusivelly to the technical and comercial counseling, so that our costumers can acquire the machine that bests suits their needs.

A few days ago we delivered a machining center to Carpintería Corcobado, next week we’re delivering the machine to Tableros Mecanizados Extremeños, and after Easter holidays it will be the turn of Carpintería OK. Three references of the new range of CNC machining centers that Rierge has developed in recent years and make it leader in the sector for those who wants a high quality and precision industrial machine.



Our delegation in Brazil is exhibiting at FIMMA2019, which is occurring in Bento Gonçalves. We hope we could attend you and inform you about our CNC machining centers.

Stand 554-555-556, no Pavilhão E Rua 28.