
(Español) XDesignPRO

We will be at LIGNA HANNOVER, Visit us at Stand C41 Hall 13

The dates for the next FIMMA/MADERIA 24 are already confirmed, it will be held in the city of Valencia Spain on May from 14 to 17, 2024.
From this moment, we get to work, to be able to show you the most advanced products in our range.
Pabellón N2 P1 Stand C11 del 14 al 17/05/2024
(Español) FIMAP Portugal
We will be at the Houtpro+ Fair in Hertogenbosch, where together with our distributor VIVA MACHINES, we will present our cnc machining centers to the industries of the Benelux Countries
EUROBOIS(Français) Lyon France

From March 29 to April 1, 2022, the FIMMA fair for the woodworking machinery sector will be held in Valencia, where the most important machinery manufacturers meet every two years to present their latest developments. Rierge, as it has done for more than 50 years, will be present at the event
(Español) Madera Sostenible
El portal del sector, presente en la celebración del 65 aniversario de Rierge
Interview with Santi Riera
On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Rierge, Interempresas conducts an interview with the current Director General.
The magazine of the sector, echoes the celebration of the 65th anniversary of Rierge

FIMMA 2019 BENTO/BRASIL(Português do Brasil) Bento Gonçalves - Brasil
In this month of March from March 26 to 29, the FIMMA Fair will be held in Bento Gonçalves where we will be present.
We are waiting for you at our stand 554-555-556 in Pavilion E Rua 28

It will be in Valencia from 6th to 9th February 2018, where we will have the opportunity to present you, the latest CNC machining centers innovations.
Video during the event.

Renishaw showing(Español) Rierge Planta II
Next 13th July at 9 a.m. in our facilities in Martorelles, will take place the Renishaw showing about: RMP600 Sonda and NC-Checker and NC-Perfectpart softwares.
RMP600 is a high precision, with radio signals transmition, that provides all the advantatges of automatic job preparation as well as the ability to measure geometries of complex 3D pieces on machining centres of any size, including multitasking machines.
NC-Checker quickly checks the linear and rotary movements of your tool-machine and combines the results into a single report. By checking the tolerances of your tool-machine, NC-Checker provides a diagnostic level of the tool-machine. Diagnostics allow you to confirm the accuracy of your 5-axis machine tool.
This defective pieces’ configuration and fixing system can also be a reason for inaccurate pieces.
Traditionally, production errors are discovered at the final inspection after the piece has been mechanized. NC-PerfectPart identifies and reports errors before cutting any material. Minimization of costs, manual rework and concessions, while the machine’s productivity is maximized.
Despite sounding like a dream, it is a reality for many companies that use the award winning MSP system to eliminate the partial production bugs.