
FUSTES MONTGRÒS expands its service capacity, with a RIERGE’s 5 axis


Fustes Montgròs,was founded in 1942 (last year they celebrated its 75th birthday). Located in the industrail polygon of Sant Pere Malanta, next to Vilafranda del Penedès (Barcelona), it has 15.000 m2 installations.


FUSTES MONTGROS chose RIERGE for its machines’ robustness and its extensive benefits, well contrasted. “We were lookit at several options. RIERGE is specialist in machining centers, and they hlandle very advanced technology. For us RIERGE is a zero kilometer supplier; we value their proximity and the fact of being a spanish manufacturer –explains Jordi Rovira-. All the components of the RIERGE’s machines are easily to find. And their technical service is fast and efficient”.

Madera Sostenible’s article