


The company Zestan was founded on 1988 and at present it is found at Parets del Vallès (Barcelona).

With RIERGE we have improved. – Says Genís Hernández, Industrial Engineer responsible for manufacturing in the Barcelona company, – their machine allow us to make more things and more complex furniture. There are less restrictions on the design“.

With a history of over 25 years in the design and manufacture of permanent exhibitors and furniture for stores and sale’s points in numerous materials (such as plastic, wood or metals), its sole objective is to satisfy its costumers with specific solutions for each one of them, and they look for the best result in the productive process.
To do this, almost a year ago they acquired a CNC machining center, model Easynest 3018/A with MASTERCAM program, with which can work on two fields, giving much flexibility to the process.


Read the entire article on the Madera Sostenible website: